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100 Book Challenge | Book 11

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller


It's been awhile since I have written a book review and it's mainly due to the launch of my new booktube channel! I am currently finding a place for my content and testing lots of concept and just overall having a great time. Thanks for all of your support and for giving me reassurance and kindness to continue creating whatever my heart desires. WELL, back to the book review!

I ended up reading The Song of Achilles without knowing anything about it. I fully blame TikTok for blasting this cover in my face constantly. Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile experience! So I'm glad I was influenced this time.

book content warning: violence, SA, gore, self-harm, child neglect

video: sage and j sitting on a swinging bench. music is Cherry Blossom by Sonder House.

Book Description

This is a detailed and romanticized retelling of the story of Achilles, but through the eyes of his lover, Patroclus. You learn the life and death of both Achilles and Patroclus, in a gentle but still truly gruesome way.

What sticks out?

I really enjoyed how non-sexually intimate Patroclus and Achilles were. Watching them grow to value each other in a non-physical way was so beautiful and inspiring. Don't get me wrong there are a couple of physical interacts, that I really had to skip because of second hand embarrassment, but there's something so simple and sweet about two people deepening their kindness and respect towards each other that I truly love to see. The book touched on a LOT of violence. This is ancient Greece, so a lot of violence is consistent with the time period. I wasn't aware of this going into it, but it is a huge part of the second half of the book.

Worth the read?

Not fully, lol. It's an interesting read and I am glad I fully read through it. It does show the intricacy of humans and the constant tightrope we must walk in order to balance our relationship with others and with ourselves. It also dives into love from parents and the extent they will go for their children. If you enjoy mythology, you love queer romance, and you don't mind violence, and reading about abuse this might be a great read for you.

My ranking is really based on the writing and how well I enjoyed reading the book aside from the pages of SA that I skipped.

Have you read The Song of Achilles?

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